public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags php & code


opensky/Symfony2-coding-standard - GitHub

A PHP CodeSniffer configuration file, for Symfony2 coding standards

Template for Jenkins Jobs for PHP Projects

The goal of this project is to provide a standard template for Jenkins jobs for PHP projects.


PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP

A PHP code analyser solution, which produces several code metrics : lines of code, hierarchy, dependancies, cyclomatic complexity, etc.

Issue 145913 - Netbeans 7.0 to support Symfony

"The news is that the Symfony support will be part of NetBeans 7.0. We are going to start work on it very soon. I hope that it will be a part of continual build this year and community can comment the support and work with us to finish it in the best possible quality and usability."

SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.


Harmony Framework - PHP to javascript translation

Harmony translates your PHP code into javascript, in a way inspired by GWT.

PHP Code Conventions mit CodeSniffer und Subversion » Beitrag » Ronny's Blog

by 1 other
A simple guide on how to setup php code validation as a subversion pre-commit hook.


Firerift is a Template Independent CMS. This gives you complete freedom to design and code the way you want to. No restrictions.